Give your Megasquirt the ability to drive a boost control solenoid double up it’s duty as an electronic boost controller. Includes all parts required to build the MSnS-E boost control circuit on your V2.2, V3.0, or V3.57 PCB, including FET, resistors, heat sink compound, mica insulator, and mounting hardware. We’ve used it with MS1/Extra and it can also be used to build the MS2/Extra circuit. Works with many common boost control solenoids though we recommend the EBC boost control solenoid available here . We’ve run this exact EBC control circuit on the DIYAutoTune MR2 and countless other cars as well, all with great results.
This Mod Kit is NOT REQUIRED for the MS3-Pro, MSPNP, DIYPNP, MS3X, or MicroSquirt. These units all feature a boost control output as standard equipment; just hook up a solenoid and turn it on in the software.
Note: There are several different boost control circuits in the MS/Extra documentation. We’ve settled on this particular circuit as it can work with any MS variant and the FET provides very fast, reliable switching. Here is the schematic for installing our particular version of the boost control mod kit.