Waterproof and capable of handling plenty of current, Quadspark makes an ideal ignition module for up to 4 coils. We have moved to Ecospark IGBTs for the main drivers, as Bosch no longer supplies BIP373 drivers. Each of the 4 channels can act independently. When a channel input is triggered by 5V, the output goes to ground.
Perfect for running IGN-1, IGN-1FD, IGN-4, or IGN-6 coils. Or use them with OEM distributor-less ignitions that don’t have the ignition module built into the coil, such as the coils found on many Ford, BMW, or Chrysler coil on plug or wasted spark applications.
Typical Usage:
-Use 1 Quadspark for up to a 4 cylinder with sequential coil per plug ignition or for a 6 or 8 cylinder with wasted spark coil packs.
-Use 2 Quadsparks for up to 8 cylinders sequential coil per plug ignition or for 10 to 16 cylinder with wasted spark coil packs.
-Use 3 Quadsparks for 10 or 12 cylinders sequential coil per plug ignition.
Some customers have also used Quadspark to allow spare logic level ECU ignition outputs to drive relays (wire the logic ignition output from ECU to Quadspark Input, wire Quadspark output to directly ground a small solenoid or use to trigger the ground side of a relay).
Heat sink, PCB, and final assembly all made in the USA – some of the electrical parts are imported.
Dimensions: 4.5″ wide, 2.75″ deep, and 1.5″ tall.